torsdag den 27. marts 2014

Textbook Analysis

Your Society - check it out!  by Gregers Friisberg

We chose to work with the textbook Your Society - check it out! because it is important for the students to be aware of both their own society, but also the society in other cultures, in this case, America’s.
The pages we have chosen to work with are located in Chapter 11. Columbine High - and other murders.
The chapter introduces the Columbine High Shooting (Colorado, 1999), which was a school shooting performed by two students, killing 12 students and a teacher followed by taking their own lives.
It poses the question: Will these killings ever stop? What do you think?
Further on, the text presents various cases of shootings and killings.

The layout is very easy on the eyes with blue nuances and black, fat headlines.
The vocabulary, placed on the right side, makes it easy to understand the context. The text is written with an easily read text.
There is also a picture in the few pages we have chosen to work with, in black and white from the Red Lake High School shooting.

  • Speaking
  • Listening to the other students
  • Discussing in groups/in class
  • Reflection (on other statements and the text)
  • Awareness towards bullying

  • 9th grade
  • To get a discussion going on:
- Bullying and the consequences
- Murder, why?
- Today’s school culture, Denmark vs. America

They would have to read the text at home, and then we will go over it in class and explain more about the Columbine shooting that started it all.
Get a class discussion going; why did they do it, could something like that happen here, what did you feel reading and hearing about the killings and shootings, and so forth.
Make them do the exercise on page 223 with the picture.
Have them write down their opinions towards school massacres.
Have them watch the movie “Bang, bang, you’re dead” (2002) and then assess their previous opinions again and discuss whether or not those have altered after the showing of the movie.
Has this course changed your view on yourself, others and/or how you behave towards other people?
Have them make a play like the one in the movie, (what would you miss if you were not here anymore)with their own story or one from the chapter.

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