torsdag den 12. december 2013

Interculture and module conclusion

Today we mostly talked about the module conclusion, which is in january - we have to write something, prepare a lesson plan for some culturally inspired theme, and the present it to class.

We spent a lot of time talking about this.

Opfyldelse af deltagelsespligt i modulet:
Med afsæt i praksis udarbejder og fremlægger du, primært i samarbejde med medstuderende, et undervisningsforløb om processer til støtte for elevers udvikling af interkulturel kompetence i sprogundervisning, hvori der skal indgå følgende områder:

  • En lektionsplan som indeholder bl.a. arbejdet med tekst, kultur og samfund med fokus på interkulturel kompetence
  • En eller flere aktiviteter / tasks til understøttelse af sprog, kultur og identitet fx med fokus på kulturmøder, interkulturalitet og sproglig variation

Herudover skal der udarbejdes:

  • Et skriftligt produkt med praksis- og teorifunderede refleksioner - fx en artikel omhandlende sammenhængen mellem sprog, kultur og identitet - med fokus på overvejelser over kultursyn, kulturformidling (herunder metode/tilgang), kulturtilegnelse, engelsk som kulturteknik, interkulturel kompetence, pragmatisk kompetence, forskelligartede praksisser/standarder og den interkulturelt kompetence sprogbruger 

10 min. pr. person
15 min. pr. 2 personer

20 min. pr. 3 personer

The rest of class was about intercultural competences, and we discussed some of the texts we read at home. We talked about it in class.

Lastly we (in groups) worked with the texts for today. My group chose the Harry Potter extract.

    In the 9th grade
    Read the book, watch the movie - vocabulary
    The book is read in chapters as homework
    Jeopardy, criss/cross puzzles
    Reading aloud - pronunciation

    "Who do we meet in this chapter?"

    John Shoeman: when you've read a book in your own language, and then read it in your second language you can relate.


    Harry Potter
    Confidence (presentation/acting)

    "Harry Potter and the philosophers stone" both book and movie
    Reading out loud, Analyzing,
    Writing a story in the universe
    Individual work
    Group work
    Did the pupils learn the intended material?
    What did they think about it?

    Lesson Plan - 2 months

    Main Content
    Lesson 1 + 2
    "The hot chair"
    Reading aloud a chapter
    Asking the students after every class if they liked they way it was teached.

    Lesson 3 + 4
    Criss cross puzzle with Harry Potter questions
    Analyzing, answer questions (groups or pairs)
    Asking the students after every class if they liked they way it was teached.
    Read next chaper

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