lørdag den 9. november 2013

Mandag d. 11/11-13

 I dag skal vi bruge noget tid på at klargøre vores undervisning til 4.-7. lektion. Derefter bliver vi kastet direkte ud i det, og skal undervise i alle 4 timer.

Forberedelsestid 8:00-10:45
I dag skal vi forberede undervisningen til 4.-7. lektion.
Vi sidder og arbejder med Irland, som vi skal undervise i fra kl. 10:45-13:10.


Teaching the students about Ireland - history, politics and religion.
Give them an understanding and get them to examine some of the attractions.
Write the plan on the board, ask the students question about the subject. We talk about Ireland and write notes on the board. Then the students have to work individually on a paper.
Work on class about Ireland, Individually work on a paper which is to be turned in, in lesson 3.
Class work, Individually work.
Did the pupils learn the intended material?
What did they think about it?

Main Content
Lesson 1 + 2
Asking the pupils: "What do you know about Ireland?" and we write it on the board.
Ireland. We (teachers) will talk about Ireland, and write some notes on the board, and ask questions.
Afterwards they have to draw a subject, and start to write a paper on it. The paper has to be 2 pages and it must include some pictures. It should be a story about the subject, for instance how they met Oscar Wilde or something. They have to turn it in, in lesson 3.
We will ask the students what they thought about it, and the teacher.
We will also self evaluate in our group, and talk about what we thought about it.
They are to write a paper.
Lesson 3 + 4
The pupils have to turn in the papers, and we will correct the mistakes and later on put them in a book about Ireland for the pupils.
They have to work in groups with limerics, and they have to write their own limerics, which will be included in the book.
If we have more time, we will end the day with a game of jeopardy.
We will ask the students what they thought about it, and the teacher.
We will also self evaluate in our group, and talk about what we thought about it.
They have to hand-in the paper.
Eventuelt lave noget gruppearbejde med fremlæggelser
Studietur til Irland
Oscar Wilde - opføre en komedie.

Engelsk fra kl. 10:45-13:10
I dag skal vi undervise ved tavlen om Irland. Vi har delt os ind på emner (Politik, historie, og religion). Desuden er der nogle facts, som også skal gennemgås.

Derefter skal eleverne trække et emne hver, og så skal de igang med at skrive en historie på engelsk om deres emne. Denne opgave skal afleveres på fredag.

Engelsk fra kl. 13:25-15:00
I dag skal eleverne færdiggøre gruppearbejdet fra sidst, og vi slutter timen af med fremlæggelser.

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